A Month in the life of a Portfolio Finance Director

Monday, 4th March 2024

Long Term Vision, Short Term Plan.

Now that year end is out of the way and that we have had a few months without any major external changes it has been a month of looking forward. With several of my clients we have taken the opportunity to discuss the Long Term Vision.

Where would they ideally like to be in 5 years.

This has resulted in some amazing ideas and potentially massive changes to the businesses concerned. They are all looking to fundamentally grow and change, enter new markets, develop new products. Their visions are very exciting, and I am fortunate to be involved. But as we all know ideas are great, but it is execution that matters.

So, we then used the time to discuss the next steps, what would need to happen this year. We are now pulling together detailed action plans to support this. Another interesting change is that my clients are now ready to look at taking on new funding. They were nervous last year when the rates spike, but now accept them as the new norm. This month I will be speaking to a number of funders about additional borrowing. All in all, a great month.