Breaking Barriers – Overcoming The Ambition Penalty and Confidence Gap

Date: Wednesday 16th October 2024
Time: 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Location: Bonded Warehouse, 18 Lower Byrom St, Manchester , M3 4AP
Cost: Free
Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity
Member Event

Join us for a thought-provoking and empowering event that delves into women’s workplace challenges and how men can be our allies.

The Ambition Penalty and the Confidence Gap - As women, we often find ourselves caught in a delicate balance - penalised for expressing ambition and then criticised for perceived confidence issues when we step back.

This event aims to break down these barriers, offering a platform for dialogue, shared experiences, and actionable strategies to navigate the complex landscape of ambition and confidence.

  • Unmasking The Ambition Penalty - Understanding how ambitious women can face biases and challenges in professional settings.
  • Closing The Confidence Gap - Exploring the dynamics that contribute to confidence perception and strategies to overcome it.
  • Be an Active Ally - Learn how to take proactive steps to support equality, both within your personal and professional spheres.

Hear from successful people who have navigated and conquered the Ambition Penalty and Confidence Gap supported by allies.
We will discuss the role of leadership in creating environments that encourage ambition and bridge the confidence ga
Learn practical tips and techniques to showcase your ambition effectively without facing backlash.

Takeaways -

  • Understanding the Dynamics - Gain insights into how societal expectations and workplace cultures contribute to the Ambition Penalty and Confidence Gap.
  • Strategies for Success - Acquire actionable strategies to express ambition authentically and build confidence, irrespective of gender.
  • Networking Opportunities - Connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and professionals who can provide valuable support on your journey.

Whether you identify as a woman, non-binary or anywhere in between, this event is for you. It goes without saying that men are most welcome too. Come as your authentic self for a memorable event.


About the Speakers:

Joanne Grobbelaar Strategic Business Consultant & Coach -

Joanne is a strategic business consultant, coach and facilitator. She brings over two decades of business experience combined with an innate acumen of effective leadership skills to help high-achieving business owners and senior executives build profitable businesses.  This is delivered through her Four-step Success System; ‘Stop, Pause, Think, Now Act’ – a programme aimed at giving business owners and senior executives the tools to grow emotional intelligence, drive profitability and maximise growth.

Joanne is fiercely passionate about seeing her clients’ businesses grow. As a visionary, her success is founded on her ability to draw on her natural skills of leadership, facilitation, strategic thinking, persistence, humour, discretion, and unstoppable determination.

In 2019, Joanne launched the Stop Pause Think Now Act Podcast, interviewing business leaders on their journey to success. Last year, she launched ‘Money Can Be Your Love Story’ as part of her immersion days programme. Joanne firmly believes that regardless of relationship status, it’s essential to have responsibility and knowledge about one’s wealth.

Joanne spent 20 years in the corporate sector, working as Head of Division for a Live Events Company before being promoted to General Manager. She was Account Director for one of the world’s largest airlines, responsible for landing the business a seven-figure global deal. A little-known fact is that she is a European sailing champion.


In 2019, Joanne launched the All-In Podcast, interviewing business leaders on their journey to success. Last year saw the launch of ‘Money Can Be Your Love Story’ as part of her programme of immersion days, as Joanne firmly believed that regardless of relationship status, having responsibility and knowledge around your wealth is essential. A little-known fact is that she is a European sailing champion.


Interested In The Event?

If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.

For any further enquires about this event, contact [email protected]

With thanks to our Partners: