Freshwalks/pro-manchester: Hadfield & Longendale Trail
Hadfield - Longdendale Trail - Torside Reservoir - Woodhead Tunnels - Padfield (approx 20km)
GRADE: MEDIUM (5 hours)
Max elevation: 270m
Welcome to Freshwalks and our first collaboration with the largest business development organisation in the north west, pro-manchester. We'll start the day down in Hadfield, before heading for the Longdendale Trail, walking along the reservoirs we often see from our forays onto Bleaklow. We'll loop the length of the valley, stopping for lunch at Woodhead tunnels before returning to the Peels Arms back in Padfield, close to our starting point.
We intend to leave Hadfield train station at 09:45. Beforehand, we'll be in Carluccio's (upstairs Manchester Piccadilly train station) having breakfast from 08:00 onwards before catching the 08:59 train to arrive 09:37 in Hadfield. Please feel free to join us at either location or anywhere on the train route. But do be on time.
We expect to be back in Padfield for about 3pm where we will head to the excellent Peel Arms which should be fine to accommodate our group for a couple of drinks and a bite to eat if you wish. This small local pub does politely request that we pre-order food due to the typical size of our group. Choose from the basic options listed below though don't worry, you'll be able to swap for anything of equivalent value from their menu a couple of days before the walk.
Book here:
Interested In The Event?
If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.
For any further enquires about this event, contact [email protected]