Ask the experts

Expert advice from leading experts across Greater Manchester. Read on for expertise from business leaders in our region covering a wide range of sectors.

How to get more of the customers you love

We’ve all had those customers that help to pay the bills, but they sap our energy, are never happy, are […]
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To Stay or Go: how businesses can plan for a future of blended working practices and multigeneration workplaces

With the dust unlikely to settle anytime soon on the debate surrounding the future need for office space, there are […]
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Enabling your teams to go Beyond Transactional

We all want to come to work, enjoy what do and feel that we’ve made a difference. Since the pandemic, […]
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Exponential business growth – how to achieve and sustain it.

While achieving fast growth is the holy grail of most businesses, not many manage to achieve, yet alone sustain it. […]
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The Importance of Continuous Education to Prevent Breaches

Today more than ever, cyber threats evolve at an unrelenting pace, making continuous education for your team an essential component […]
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Remuneration planning for shareholder-directors. Which is the most tax effective method – dividend or salary

Business owners have two main options in deciding how to take remuneration from their company: salary or dividend? But which […]
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