Menopause the Wright Way

Lisa’s business focuses on supporting companies with their menopause initiatives, providing education and training via onsite or remote sessions.

Workshops enable businesses and individuals to manage the impact of perimenopause and menopause. Guidance is available for diverse groups including:

  • senior leaders, enabling them to understand the business impact
  • managers, who may have menopausal team members and need to have difficult conversations
  • female employees, providing evidence-based information and support around all aspects of the perimenopause and menopause
  • male employees wishing to support their partners
  • the impact upon LGBTQ+ individuals

Additionally, Lisa helps women take control of their perimenopause/menopause by providing a holistic approach using diet, exercise, and the latest evidence-based information to enable informed choices.

For further information please visit Lisa’s Linkedin profile, website or to book an exploratory call please email: [email protected]