PNZ Carbon

PNZ Group is powering the transition to Net Zero, by funding the affordable decarbonisation of UK homes from the commercial demand for transparent, localised verified carbon credits.

Until now, traditional pathways to Net Zero have been costly, inaccessible and unreliable. Today marks the beginning of a new chapter.

PNZ Group is made up of three businesses with years of expertise in the sector – PNZ Consulting,  PNZ Energy, and PNZ Carbon.

  • PNZ Consulting quantifies scope 1-3 emissions footprints, in accordance with the GHG protocol, and advises organisations with a bespoke decarbonisation plan, tailored to their business goals and Net Zero commitments.
  • PNZ Energy supports the green energy transition, through the installation of renewable energy measures, helping pave the way to a low-carbon future.
  • PNZ Carbon creates transparent, localised verified carbon credits. Our credits are backed by emission reductions achieved through UK housing retrofit. These carbon credits help fund the domestic home retrofit and renewable energy solutions, without the need for further Government spending or costs to households. Our methodology is the only one in the world for originating carbon credits for the decarbonisation of housing stock. We work with local businesses to fund local emissions reduction projects, which deliver benefits in their own communities. Crucially, this measurable and localised approach drives greater transparency and integrity.

Our three interdependent companies work together in harmony to power the UK’s transition to Net Zero, by making decarbonisation more affordable and switching to renewables more achievable. We’re connecting businesses and households, supply and demand, profit and purpose.

PNZ Group provides a scalable, workable solution to the UK’s number one challenge.

Join us in Powering Net Zero.