Creating a market for hydrogen

7th May 2021, 2:52 pm

DWF’s energy team examine the levers that could unlock the hydrogen market in Europe and beyond.

Hydrogen is a powerful energy vector, identified by the European Commission as integral to meeting the Paris Agreement’s goals on decarbonisation in the sectors of heavy industry, long-range transport, and home heating. This has led to the emergence of an abundance of regional-level and national-level strategies on hydrogen, targeting rapid, decisive development of hydrogen technologies to enable a coordinated transition towards a net zero-carbon economy.

In this report, we consider:

  • How will hydrogen scale up and what future markets will emerge?
  • What role will the EU Hydrogen Strategy and the upcoming UK hydrogen strategy play in enabling the transition to a net-zero carbon integrated economy?
  • What policy, legal and regulatory frameworks are required to support a fast-growing, cost-effective, reliable and low-carbon hydrogen industry?


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