Member Spotlight: Lee Curtis, Partner and Chartered Trade Mark Attorney – HGF

15th May 2024, 10:57 am

1. Introduce yourself

I am a Partner and Chartered Trade Mark Attorney at Intellectual property law firm HGF. I am based in the Manchester office of HGF in Spinningfields and head the office. This year marks thirty years in the profession having previously worked at a large international law firm. Before that I trained at a trade mark and patent attorney practice in London. I advise on trade mark and design law, and can provide clearance, registration and enforcement advice.

2. Career highlight

I have acted on many weird and wonderful IP issues. I have advised on the protection of a well known red soled woman’s shoe in the United Kingdom and also on a small red round cheese product. I will leave you to guess what those products are, but obviously I have a niche in red coloured IP issues.

3. Name three words that describe your personality

Understated, Dry Wit.

4. What’s the best thing about pro-manchester

Meeting other professionals outside the legal profession and getting to know what is going on in the City of Manchester.

5. What are your priorities for 2024

Stop worrying about things I cannot control or influence. To quote Mark Twain “Worrying is like paying a debt you don’t owe.”

6. What do you think are the most important things going on in Manchester at the moment?

The city sky line is changing rapidly and there is a large amount of development in the City Centre. That is great and exciting for the city, but that development must be balanced so all who live and work in the City benefit.

7. Favourite meeting place in Manchester

It is maybe not a ‘meeting place’, but as I live in Didsbury one of my favourite places in the City of Manchester is Fletcher Moss. It’s a bit of a green oasis in the City, maybe attractive for someone brought up in a farming village in Somerset. By the way Didsbury is not really a village!

8. Are their any particular types of businesses that you would like to meet

I am not that discerning. I am happy to meet and talk to any business and maybe make a small contribution to protecting their IP and allowing them to continue to grow and expand. Its great to see a product or service launched and grow over the years of acting for them.

Get In Touch 

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0161 247 4900


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