Webinar Series: Supporting the Emotional, Physical and Financial Wellbeing of the UK Workforce

17th March 2021, 4:49 pm

With the help of industry experts, Verlingue will be offering unique insights into how leading employers are managing the emotional, physical and financial wellbeing of their employees. We will be exploring the emerging trends in employee welfare and how the market is adapting to meet those needs.


The changing face of Emotional Wellbeing in the workplace –
Tuesday 23rd of March (10.00am -11.30am)

Joined by Bupa and Unum, Verlingue will explore the rise of mental health problems within the UK workforce and how leading employers are managing the emotional wellbeing of their employees.

Caroline Harper – Specialist Nurse Adviser for Mental Health, Bupa UK
• Overview of the rise in mental health cases in the UK.
• How you can help employees cope with the emotional impact of COVID-19, lockdown and isolation.

Beth Husted – Rehabilitation and Wellbeing Manager, Unum
• How the market is adapting to the changing wellbeing landscape and rise in mental health cases.
• What solutions are available to help businesses better support their employees.

Supporting the Physical and Financial Wellbeing of your teams –
Thursday 25th of March (10.00am -11.30am)

Joined by Nuffield Health, our team will be exploring emerging trends in physical and financial wellbeing, the impact on your business and how you can identify innovative solutions to better support your employees.

Justin Jones – Head of Physiology and clinical development at Nuffield Health
• The physical impact of COVID-19, lockdown and isolation on your employees.
• A review of what leading employers are doing to support the physical wellbeing of their workforce.

Mark Pugh – Head of Employee Benefits at Verlingue.
• The impact of poor financial and physical wellness on your business.
• How you can find solutions to health and wellbeing challenges in your organisation in a tax efficient


To register: https://forms.gle/1rvaYpEong4B947M9


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