How has TikTok changed our world?

How has TikTok changed our world?

6th January 2022, 3:25 pm

Building trust with your current and potential clients is the most effective way to both inspire successful long-term partnerships, and ensure that your happy customers brag about their positive experiences, drumming up more business through word of mouth.

Building trust is an essential element of any business looking to further their impact and become thought leaders in their industries.

However, the concept of trust can seem very abstract, and instilling intangible ideas into your existing processes can seem a little daunting. Luckily, there are simple ways to kick off the client journey with a positive experience.

With new platforms such as TikTok, creative content has evolved from cut and dry video ads promoting a product to more entertainment and community driven content. Turning products and services into a source of entertainment, as opposed to a cold-pitch sale, it’s key to keeping your audiences engaged. In 2021, TikTok reached over 1 billion users and the largest age pool is 19 to 29-year-olds, making it the perfect platform to reach audiences of all kinds that fit within the age range.

TikTok themselves asked users in a survey how they feel about the platform (Marketing Science Global Time Well Spent, Kantar 2021). An incredible 61% of users agreed that there is a sense of community within TikTok and an even more staggering, 91% of users have said that they take action after seeing a video. This means that TikTok as a platform has provided access to a wide audience of people with existing purchase intent. However this only works with content that does not feel like ads which have the primary aim of increasing sales. The only way to truly utilise this is to create content that, in itself, has value for the viewers, most notably in the form of entertainment. This is supported by the fact that 7 out of 10 users say they find TikTok ads enjoyable (Kantar) and do not mind seeing ads on the platforms. Overall, TikTok has 10% better ad receptivity in comparison to other social channels.

So how do you adapt? That’s easy. You do it by creating organic content that speaks to your target audiences, that do not look like ads. You can do this in multiple ways: either with influencers or DIY themed videos, that are easily approachable and engage the audience within the first few seconds with an entertainment hook.

For example, Little Moons showed content that felt organic, which was shown from the perspective of a customer buying the product and reviewing it. They listed where they could find the product (Tesco), what it tastes like, and why they bought it. No part of the ad stated  “Buy this now!” or “Get yours here”. Instead, it felt organic and this drove sales inside of retail stores for their products.

LIkewise, influencer marketing is easier than ever before, with platforms such as the Creator Marketplace and Dynamic Scene video editor, transforming our pre-made videos into organic content for the platform. This is useful, as it can transform content that you have already created into a new piece of content you can deliver on the social platform, increasing its performance to a higher degree, compared to content that would be posted in its original state. With Dynamic Scene, we can see that the algorithm will slice and cut a video to deliver the best possible solution, in order to a target user, instead of opting for a “one size fits all” approach.

Rooster Marketing have been building innovative high-impact campaigns for over 10 years, if you need advice on how to improve your paid social or ned any other marketing support get in touch and speak to a member of the team today.

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