Our guide to making inclusion simpler…

Our guide to making inclusion simpler…

14th August 2023, 11:27 am

Inclusion policies are a crucial part of any business’s effort to create a diverse and welcoming culture. They can help to break down barriers, promote equity, and encourage all employees to feel valued and supported. However, implementing inclusion policies requires more than just putting up posters or sending out an email on a particular day to follow a hashtag. It requires a sustained effort that is integrated into every aspect of your culture and daily practices.

Here are some practical steps employers can take to implement inclusion policies and make sure they are part of your everyday workplace culture:

1. Show up every day: Don’t feel inclined to structure your behaviour round hashtags and marketing events, look at how you can bake in what you do on days ending with “Y”. Small simple efforts that you can achieve each day, and build on, help build real and credible change.

2. Start with education and training: Ensure that all employees, from the top down, are aware of the importance of inclusion and what it means. Think about how you engage and educate your teams on the matters that may impact your workplace. Whether this is regular training sessions for managers and employees, covering topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competence, and microaggressions. This will help to create a common understanding and a shared language that promotes inclusion.

3. Review your policies and procedures: Review and update all policies and procedures to ensure they are inclusive. This includes recruitment, performance management, and employee development processes. It’s important to ensure that policies and practices support and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

4. Foster an inclusive culture: Foster an environment that encourages all employees to feel safe and supported. Encourage open communication and provide opportunities for feedback. Ensure that all employees have equal access to resources, information, and opportunities.

5. Make inclusion a priority at every level: Ensure that inclusion is a priority at every level of your organization. This means that leadership, management, and employees all take responsibility for promoting inclusion. It’s essential to encourage diverse perspectives and celebrate differences.

6. Ensure accountability: Develop clear metrics and goals to measure the success of your inclusion policies. This will help to ensure accountability and maintain momentum. Make sure that you regularly report on progress and address any areas for improvement. Also, address poor behaviour. If you don’t live what you say people will notice.

7. Continuously review and adapt: Continuously review and adapt your inclusion policies to ensure that they remain relevant and effective. Be open to feedback from employees and use it to improve your policies and practices.

Implementing inclusion policies requires a sustained effort and commitment from every level of your business. By educating employees, reviewing policies, fostering an inclusive culture, making inclusion a priority, ensuring accountability, and continuously reviewing and adapting your policies, you can create a workplace where everyone feels valued and supported.

This should be an everyday practice, not just on special occasions. By doing so, you can create a workplace that attracts and retains the best talent and helps your business thrive.

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