Pitching remotely without being remote!
So many online pitches become monologues delivered in the presence of witnesses.
As we enter a new era of buying and selling services that will alter profoundly how we pitch for work forever this session will explore:
- What communication is when it’s screen to screen
- Preparing to pitch online, some tips
- Using the constraints of video pitching as a creative tool
- How to harness your Word-Power so we get the message
About the Speakers:

Over 30 years now in the comms game means I am a very experienced strategic communications guy and a pitch coach working to board level advising: CEOs; managing partners; investors; big buyers; and key players at crucial messaging moments.
Recent projects, some highlights:
- Leading better communications project for technology team in top-4 global insurance business. City of London.
- Coaching client to win CEO position in top Lloyds market firm. And working on comms for his first 100 days strategy. City of London.
- Advising on brand positioning for sale of Australian digital business based in Melbourne to Silicon Valley investors. Melbourne.
- Leading the communications strategy to win a major gateway lean consulting contract with National Grid USA via complex tender and pitch process in UK and USA.
- Preparing school students in Dubai for their pitches to global investors in a worldwide competition. Dubai.
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If you’re interested in attending, you can book online here.