Reimagining Inclusive Recruitment
What if you could make a significant impact on one of Manchester’s most entrenched social challenges, simply through engaging in business as usual? Homelessness impacts everyone in our city, and while working with businesses to better support charitable efforts across the city, social enterprise Noisy Cricket spotted an opportunity to empower concerned organisation’s to make a more strategic and sustainable contribution to the issue.
How? Through offering employment to some of the most vulnerable people in our society, businesses can offer those impacted an income, the opportunity to afford a home and a community. The only issue is, significant barriers exist, but as the HI “Homeless Inclusive” Future project has revealed, these sit with the businesses as much as those with personal insight into the issue.
So, for the past year, Noisy Cricket has brought together businesses like Balfour Beatty and Manchester Airport Group, social sector organisations including the DWP and Business in the Community together with people who have experienced homelessness to research, design and develop an innovative and inclusive recruitment solutions, it’s those businesses that are keen to improve their diversity or demonstrate social value that are backing HI Future as a system changing, culture shifting and personally empowering response to homelessness.
Find out more on how you can play a part.
About the Speakers:

Social impact consultancy Noisy Cricket builds people-powered movements through bringing diverse voices together to create social change. Working purposefully and collectively on the root causes of social issues, founder Lauren Coulman and the team work to engineer strategic and cross-sector responses to systemic, cultural and personal challenges in our society, all with impacted people at the heart of the solutions designed. Using humanity-centred design to develop insight, build community, shape campaigns and innovate social products and services, Noisy Cricket’s powerful model is facilitating change within homelessness, health inequality, body politics and tech ethics, all with the aim of empowering people to achieve their own equality.
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